Logging camp incident: DAP MP wants urgent debate in Dewan From Malaysian Mirror | |||
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![]() Chong told Malaysian Mirror that the Emergency Motion was submitted under Standing Order 18(1) which states that the issue concerned is in the public's interest. On Oct 20, Nicholas Mujan and six others were arrested for allegedly setting up a fire in a timber camp in Sebuyau. It was claimed that the fire had destroyed the timber camp and equipments worth over RM2 million. Previously on Oct 15, Chong had also said that the group with other longhouse folk had set up a blockade in the area to stop the camp's operation in transporting timber logs. The protestors have said that the timber camp had violated the Dayak's rights to their land as it was operating on land gazetted under Native Customary Rights. The timber campsite belonging to Royal Billion Sdn Bhd was alleged be linked to Raziah Mahmud, sister of the Sarawak chief minister, whose role is said to be one of the non executive directors. Chong alleged that the company had made millions of ringgits and each worker and his family received RM250 per month. The seven people arrested have since been released on police bail for RM1000. They are to report to the police station one month later after their release on Monday. State CID chief, senior assistant commissioner of police, Huzir Mohd said the case is still under investigation and they would be charged for arson. Police are currently waiting for the investigation and forensic report to be sent to the senior federal counsel before actions are taken. Meanwhile, See Chee How, who is the lawyer representing all the seven people, has condemned the accusation as far-fetched. See claimed that one of them was not in Semujan while the rest were at the roadblock which is four kilometres from the camp. |
Sebangan is located in the State of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Numpang Suntai and 14 others, representing 276 Iban families from the 15 longhouse communities of Kampung Entanggor, Ensika, Lumut, Arus Dayak, Tongkah Dayak, Tongkah Dayak Lubuk Manta, Tongkah Dayak Atas, Tongkah Dayak Rumah Panjai, Lunying, Belimbing Besi, Ketimbong and Bajong Ili, Bajong Ili Atas, Bajong Ili Tengah, Bajong Ili Baruh, all situated at Sebangan, Simunjan, Sarawak, filed their civil suit at the Kuching High Court on November 1st, 2010.
This case was heard at Kuching High Court on August 8th though August 19th 2011. This civil court proceeding is far from over. It is to continue on November 8th through 11th, 2011 and will reconvene again on December 19 through December 23rd, 2011.
Named as defendants in the civil suit are Quality Concrete Sdn Bhd the timber concession holder, Loyal Billion Sdn Bhd the logging contractor, 2 government appointed community leaders Penghulu Merum anak Babu and Ketua Kampung Agu anak Kaleng, together with the Director of Foresty and the Sarawak State Government.
The Sebuyau and Sebangan Ibans still need your moral and financial support to fight against illegal loggers. Your contributions will pay for the legal expenses and the cost of transportation, lodging, and food for Sebangan villagers who will be attending the proceedings in Kuching.
We desperately need your support to save our NCR heritages and our prestine environment from further destruction. If we lost this case, we will lost our land and forest to timber tycoons and oil palm plantation owners. Losing this case is losing our life line, our means of survival. Without our land and forests, we the Dayaks, the natives of Borneo, we have nothing.
In the USA please e-mail christinasuntai@gmail.com for postal address and other information. Or you can use Pay Pal by clicking Donate and you can use any credit cards to donate on-line. Thank you for you donations and support.
Sebangan is located in the State of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Numpang Suntai and 14 others, representing 276 Iban families from the 15 longhouse communities of Kampung Entanggor, Ensika, Lumut, Arus Dayak, Tongkah Dayak, Tongkah Dayak Lubuk Manta, Tongkah Dayak Atas, Tongkah Dayak Rumah Panjai, Lunying, Belimbing Besi, Ketimbong and Bajong Ili, Bajong Ili Atas, Bajong Ili Tengah, Bajong Ili Baruh, all situated at Sebangan, Simunjan, Sarawak, filed their civil suit at the Kuching High Court on November 1st, 2010.
This case was heard at Kuching High Court on August 8th though August 19th 2011. This civil court proceeding is far from over. It is to continue on November 8th through 11th, 2011 and will reconvene again on December 19 through December 23rd, 2011.
Named as defendants in the civil suit are Quality Concrete Sdn Bhd the timber concession holder, Loyal Billion Sdn Bhd the logging contractor, 2 government appointed community leaders Penghulu Merum anak Babu and Ketua Kampung Agu anak Kaleng, together with the Director of Foresty and the Sarawak State Government.
The Sebuyau and Sebangan Ibans still need your moral and financial support to fight against illegal loggers. Your contributions will pay for the legal expenses and the cost of transportation, lodging, and food for Sebangan villagers who will be attending the proceedings in Kuching.
We desperately need your support to save our NCR heritages and our prestine environment from further destruction. If we lost this case, we will lost our land and forest to timber tycoons and oil palm plantation owners. Losing this case is losing our life line, our means of survival. Without our land and forests, we the Dayaks, the natives of Borneo, we have nothing.
In the USA please e-mail christinasuntai@gmail.com for postal address and other information. Or you can use Pay Pal by clicking Donate and you can use any credit cards to donate on-line. Thank you for you donations and support.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Logging camp incident: DAP MP wants urgent debate in Dewan
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Sebangan Seven have been released from Police custody!!
Tuai Rumah Philip anak Bakat (Kg Tungkah Atas), Tuai Rumah Neli ak Nipa (Kpg Bajong Ili), Tuai Rumah Sadun ak Aton (Kpg Ensika), Bawi ak Atman (Kpg Lubok Manta) , Tinsi ak Bunda (Kpg Lumut), Numpang ak Suntai (Kpg Bajong), Nicholas Mujah (Kpg Ensika) have been released from Police custody and now they are free. I just talked to my brother Numpang Suntai about an hour ago. Thank you for your support and may God bless us all.
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Friends and Families waiting for the release of arrested protestors |
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Protesters Jailed
Sarawak Report
In a recent story Sarawak Report exposed the shocking attempt by the firm Quality Concrete to force Iban villagers to hand over their rights to 3,035 hectares of Native Customary Rights Lands in Sebangan just MR 250 (US$ 80) per family.
There is no evidence against any of these men yet the political motives are clear. Both Suntai and Mujah have been helping the locals with their vocal campaign and they have supported villagers who carried out a blockade against illegal logging by the company in their territory. Yet neither were anywhere near the outbreak of the the fire and it is clear their arrests are purely a response to their legitimate protests on behalf of their community. The pair came to Simunjan local police station in answer to a request by the local police chief, DSP Choo Yin Kok, whose telephone number is 082 803779, Mobile : 019-8583016 and have not been released.
There is no evidence that local people were behind the fire. Indeed, since Quality Concrete’s provisional licence to log the area runs out next month, the motivation on their side is arguably stronger in terms of a potential insurance pay out. Meanwhile, the logging camp itself remains illegal and Sarawak Report has documents showing that Quality Concrete has been banned by the Forest Department from carrying out further logging in the area until and unless the dispute is settled.
Therefore, Sarawak Report and several local and international NGOs are questioning on what grounds are these people being held?
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I will never forget this picture of my brother as long as I live |
The company, of which the Chief Minister’s sister Raziah is one of the Directors, is after the millions of dollars-worth of rare and valuable hardwood trees in the area. However the Ibans are refusing, saying they want to preserve their forest for future generations.
Now, the leading protesters named in that story have been thrown in jail on the pretext of a fire that broke out at Quality Concrete’s logging camp on Monday. There is no evidence about what happened, however ten local people were originally arrested and three have still not been released: these are Numpang Suntai, a retired worker for Shell; Nicholas Mujah, who runs Sadia, an NGO supporting Dayak rights and one of the local headmen, Tuai Rumah Sadon ak Ason.There is no evidence against any of these men yet the political motives are clear. Both Suntai and Mujah have been helping the locals with their vocal campaign and they have supported villagers who carried out a blockade against illegal logging by the company in their territory. Yet neither were anywhere near the outbreak of the the fire and it is clear their arrests are purely a response to their legitimate protests on behalf of their community. The pair came to Simunjan local police station in answer to a request by the local police chief, DSP Choo Yin Kok, whose telephone number is 082 803779, Mobile : 019-8583016 and have not been released.
There is no evidence that local people were behind the fire. Indeed, since Quality Concrete’s provisional licence to log the area runs out next month, the motivation on their side is arguably stronger in terms of a potential insurance pay out. Meanwhile, the logging camp itself remains illegal and Sarawak Report has documents showing that Quality Concrete has been banned by the Forest Department from carrying out further logging in the area until and unless the dispute is settled.
Therefore, Sarawak Report and several local and international NGOs are questioning on what grounds are these people being held?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Free all Seven: Numpang, Mujah, Neli, Phillip, Sadun, Bawi and Tinsi
I am Numpang's sister so I am going to talk about my brother from a personal point of view and let you know how dearly we love and admire him. Mujah, Sadun, Neli, Phillip, Bawi and Tinsi are loved just as much by their families and the rest of their relatives but I could not do them justice because I do not know them as much as I know my own brother, Numpang Suntai. We want all seven of them to be set free and be back with their families. We will fight for their releases!!! All Sebuyau and Sebangan Ibans and our Malay relatives who also own property at Selabu, please show your support and be at their hearing on Monday.
The only “crime” my brother Numpang ever commited in this scenario is because he was helping our relatives and working with Nicholas Mujah in Sebangan to fend off the illegal loggers, Quality Concrete Holdings from destroying our native customary rights lands and forests.
One of his nephews says:
My uncle Numpang has been the cause of change to his community no matter whether he is there or in Miri. I remember the time his leadership in building salt water tide protection system in Bajong. As a result, farming in the area flourished as the village could control the salt water from coming in. My point is he continues to do so even at the time he and My Aunt Helen should retire and have a more relaxed life.
He called me before he surrenderd to the Police and said, “If anything happened to me, at least I know I am doing something good to help our relatives.” My brother is not a well man and I hope they will let him take his heart medication properly as he does have irregular heartbeats. 13 years ago he had a stroke and he still cannot make use of his left hand or even knot his own tie.
My brother is a good man and never commit any crime in his life, not even a parking ticket! He is taking care of our 97 father who is waiting anxiously for his return. He is very popular and well loved by all his family, his siblings, his nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins all the relatives from Sebuyau to Sebangan and from Sadong to Debak and Sibu.
He just retired and was enjoying a good easy life away from the hustle bustle of the coperate world. But he and his wife Helen, cannot be just a bystander while the wanton destruction of our Native Customary Rights forests happened right before their eyes.
We all know that evil things happened when good men remain silent. Numpang and Helen refused to remain silent. I hope the Iban leaders will never let other people say this about the Iban tribe of Borneo “Iban punya bodoh” or “Iban punya takut.” Meaning,”Ibans are stupid.” “Iban are cowards”
So please help with the release of Numpang, Mujah, Neli, Phillip, Tinsi, Bawi and Sadun and let them go home to their families.
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Supporters of Seven Detained Protesters |
The only “crime” my brother Numpang ever commited in this scenario is because he was helping our relatives and working with Nicholas Mujah in Sebangan to fend off the illegal loggers, Quality Concrete Holdings from destroying our native customary rights lands and forests.
One of his nephews says:
My uncle Numpang has been the cause of change to his community no matter whether he is there or in Miri. I remember the time his leadership in building salt water tide protection system in Bajong. As a result, farming in the area flourished as the village could control the salt water from coming in. My point is he continues to do so even at the time he and My Aunt Helen should retire and have a more relaxed life.
He called me before he surrenderd to the Police and said, “If anything happened to me, at least I know I am doing something good to help our relatives.” My brother is not a well man and I hope they will let him take his heart medication properly as he does have irregular heartbeats. 13 years ago he had a stroke and he still cannot make use of his left hand or even knot his own tie.
My brother is a good man and never commit any crime in his life, not even a parking ticket! He is taking care of our 97 father who is waiting anxiously for his return. He is very popular and well loved by all his family, his siblings, his nieces and nephews, aunts, uncles, cousins all the relatives from Sebuyau to Sebangan and from Sadong to Debak and Sibu.
Numpang and his American relatives
He just retired and was enjoying a good easy life away from the hustle bustle of the coperate world. But he and his wife Helen, cannot be just a bystander while the wanton destruction of our Native Customary Rights forests happened right before their eyes.
We all know that evil things happened when good men remain silent. Numpang and Helen refused to remain silent. I hope the Iban leaders will never let other people say this about the Iban tribe of Borneo “Iban punya bodoh” or “Iban punya takut.” Meaning,”Ibans are stupid.” “Iban are cowards”
So please help with the release of Numpang, Mujah, Neli, Phillip, Tinsi, Bawi and Sadun and let them go home to their families.
7 Ibans villagers, including my brother Numpang Suntai are currently being detained by the police
SIMUNJAN – Seven Ibans villagers are currently being detained by the police at the Simunjan Police Station for allegedly causing mischief by fire to a logging company’s machinery and their workers quarters.
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Providing Moral Support |
4 villagers were arrested last night, which include 2 headmen. They are Tuai Rumah Philip Anak Bakat of Kampung Tungkah Atas, Tuai Rumah Neli Anak Nipa of Kampung Bajong Ili, Bawi Anak Atman of Kampung Tungkah Baroh Manta and Tinsi Anak Bunda of Kampung Lumut.
In an FMT report on Oct 19, natives from the six long houses in Sebuyau/Sebanggan had predicted that they would be blamed for the fire which destroyed a campsite belonging to Royal Billion, a company linked to the politically-powerful Quality Concrete Holdings.
3 more villagers were arrested at 2.30 this afternoon. They are Tuai Rumah Sadun Anak Aton and Nicholas Mujah of Kampung Ensika and Numpang Anak Suntai of Kampung Bajong. Nicholas Mujah also happens to be the Secretary General of the Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (SADIA) and a member of the Indigenous Peoples Network of Malaysia (JOAS).
About 200 villagers were present at the police station to give support to their comrades who were arrested.
The arrest were made in connection with the recent fire that destroyed a block of two storey quarters occupied by timber workers, a store, six tractors, two logging trucks a pick-up and an excavator belonging to a logging contractor Royal Billion Sdn. Bhd. which is contracted to extract logs for Quality Concrete Holdings in the area purportedly to be within the native customary rights (NCR) of six Iban longhouses in Sebuyau.
The logging company, Quality Concrete Holdings, has been in the centre of dispute after the Forest Department has given it a licence to carry out logging activities in the disputed 3,305 hectares of forests which the Ibans from six longhouses claim to be their NCR land.The Director of Quality Concrete is Raziah Mahmud who also happens to be the Sarawak Chief Minister, Taib Mahmud’s sister.
When negotiations failed the Ibans have also brought their case with the Police, the district and resident offices, the lands and surveys and the Forest department.
When all these failed, the natives since last Friday have erected a blockade to stop the workers from the Royal Billion company encroaching into their native customary rights land.
They have also stopped a “tongkang” or barge from loading timber that has been extracted from the disputed area.
Just before Nicholas Mujah got detained, we managed to talk to him on the phone and he said that he sense that there is a strong urgency by the company to target the blame on him.
According to Mujah, the policeman at the station told him that the contractor reported him at the scene burning the machines. “But how can that be true, when I am in Sibu at that time?” exclaimed Mujah.
The villagers will be detained until Tuesday to facilitate the police in their investigations.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Update on efforts to Save Sebangan Rainforest
Update on efforts to Save Sebangan Rainforest
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Posted by: Christina S. Suntai
Following the calling off of Blockade against Quality Concrete at Ulu Sebangan, I have been informed that the two leaders, Mr Nicholas Munjah the Secretary General of SADIA and my brother, Numpang Suntai have been contacted by Police. They are requested to be present at Simunjan Police Station and Sebuyau Police Station at 2 pm, 22nd October, 2010.
We are unsure why they are called for. Whether it is for staging the peaceful blockade. However from what is written here, here and here, it seems they are being investigated for the fire which started at the timber camp which destroyed Royal Billion Sdn Bhd’s (logging contractor of Quality Concrete Holdings) machinery.
Besides the Blockade, Sebuyau Ibans have also taken Quality Concrete Holdings, Sarawak Government and Forestry Department to court.
At this blog, we have made many calls to the government that pending disposal of all NCR Land Issues by the Court, logging and development activities should cease.
They need your moral support.
Please continue to lend moral support to Mr Nicholas Munjah and my brother, Numpang Suntai.
Note: I just talked to my brother, Numpang Suntai. He told everyone, me included, to remain cool. This is just a routine police matter. Since he and the others were up in Ulu Sebangan, naturally they will be questioned by police to help in their investigation.
Thank you for your support!
Christina S. Suntai
Thursday, October 21st 2010
Date: Thursday, October 21, 2010
Posted by: Christina S. Suntai
Following the calling off of Blockade against Quality Concrete at Ulu Sebangan, I have been informed that the two leaders, Mr Nicholas Munjah the Secretary General of SADIA and my brother, Numpang Suntai have been contacted by Police. They are requested to be present at Simunjan Police Station and Sebuyau Police Station at 2 pm, 22nd October, 2010.
We are unsure why they are called for. Whether it is for staging the peaceful blockade. However from what is written here, here and here, it seems they are being investigated for the fire which started at the timber camp which destroyed Royal Billion Sdn Bhd’s (logging contractor of Quality Concrete Holdings) machinery.
Besides the Blockade, Sebuyau Ibans have also taken Quality Concrete Holdings, Sarawak Government and Forestry Department to court.
At this blog, we have made many calls to the government that pending disposal of all NCR Land Issues by the Court, logging and development activities should cease.
They need your moral support.
Please continue to lend moral support to Mr Nicholas Munjah and my brother, Numpang Suntai.
Note: I just talked to my brother, Numpang Suntai. He told everyone, me included, to remain cool. This is just a routine police matter. Since he and the others were up in Ulu Sebangan, naturally they will be questioned by police to help in their investigation.
Thank you for your support!
Christina S. Suntai
Thursday, October 21st 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Villagers cry foul over fire
By Joseph Tawie
SEBUYAU: When David took on Goliath there was the risk that he would be squished to pulp. Similarly, when Ibans from six longhouses in Sebuyau/Sebanggan decided to take on the politically-powerful Quality Concrete Holdings, they knew from the onset that the fight will be hard.
Yesterday, they had their first feel when fire gutted a campsite of another company linked to Quality Concrete Holdings and know that they would be blamed even before an investigation.
A block of staff quarters, a store, six tractors, two logging trucks and an excavator were among items destroyed in the afternoon fire.
"They will blame the villagers...but we were not aware of the fire.
"The villagers who put up the blockades were about 4km from the campsite (where the fire took place) and did not know what was going on in the camp," said Nicholas Mujah, one of the six Iban longhouse community leaders.
He believes it's the work of arsonists and strategically aimed at framing the natives.
"I believe it is the work of other people who want to put the blame on the villagers," said Mujah, urging the police to carry out an immediate investigation.
Yesterday's fire destroyed properties belonging to Royal Billion Sdn Bhd, a logging contractor of Quality Concrete Holdings.
It is not immediately known how the fire started or who were responsible for it.
Quality Concrete Holdings, has been in the centre of a dispute after the Forest Department issued them a licence to carry out logging activities in the disputed 3,305 hectares of forests which the Ibans from six longhouses claim to be their native customary rights (NCR) land.
When direct negotiations with the company failed, the Ibans took the matter to the police, the district and resident offices, the lands and surveys and finally forest department. But to no avail.
Last Friday, the natives decided to take matters into their own hands and erected a blockade to stop the workers from the Royal Billion company encroaching into their land.
They also stopped a tongkang from loading timber that was extracted from the disputed area.
SEBUYAU: When David took on Goliath there was the risk that he would be squished to pulp. Similarly, when Ibans from six longhouses in Sebuyau/Sebanggan decided to take on the politically-powerful Quality Concrete Holdings, they knew from the onset that the fight will be hard.
Yesterday, they had their first feel when fire gutted a campsite of another company linked to Quality Concrete Holdings and know that they would be blamed even before an investigation.
A block of staff quarters, a store, six tractors, two logging trucks and an excavator were among items destroyed in the afternoon fire.
"They will blame the villagers...but we were not aware of the fire.
"The villagers who put up the blockades were about 4km from the campsite (where the fire took place) and did not know what was going on in the camp," said Nicholas Mujah, one of the six Iban longhouse community leaders.
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Picture of Equipment behind blockade - none destroyed! |
He believes it's the work of arsonists and strategically aimed at framing the natives.
"I believe it is the work of other people who want to put the blame on the villagers," said Mujah, urging the police to carry out an immediate investigation.
Yesterday's fire destroyed properties belonging to Royal Billion Sdn Bhd, a logging contractor of Quality Concrete Holdings.
It is not immediately known how the fire started or who were responsible for it.
Quality Concrete Holdings, has been in the centre of a dispute after the Forest Department issued them a licence to carry out logging activities in the disputed 3,305 hectares of forests which the Ibans from six longhouses claim to be their native customary rights (NCR) land.
When direct negotiations with the company failed, the Ibans took the matter to the police, the district and resident offices, the lands and surveys and finally forest department. But to no avail.
Last Friday, the natives decided to take matters into their own hands and erected a blockade to stop the workers from the Royal Billion company encroaching into their land.
They also stopped a tongkang from loading timber that was extracted from the disputed area.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
We are Prepared to be Human Sheilds to Defend our Rainforest
Sebuyau Ibans and the descendants of Sendi’s new Blockade against Quality Concrete Holding’s bulldozers at Ulu Sebangan.
Written Christina S. Suntai, Friday, October 15th 2010
Written Christina S. Suntai, Friday, October 15th 2010
My brother Numpang anak Suntai and his wife, Helen Unchat, together with 11 tribal leaders and villagers from 11 longhouses are now camping in Ulu Sebangan as we speak. Today I want to refer to their make shift camp as “Langkau Ngintu Menoa.”
They are leading the villagers to form a blockade to stop bulldozers used by illegal loggers, Quality Concrete Holdings, whose Executive Chairman is Tiang Ming Sing, from further penetration into their native customary lands, which include rice fields, pepper vines, fruit trees, rubber plantations and communal forest at Ulu Sebangan.
Another very important reason for the blockade is to make sure that all the logs will not be removed prior to certification by the Department of Forestry, Sarawak, Malaysia. Quality Concrete Holdings must get a certification from the Department of Forestry Department before the logs can be removed from the area. It is highly illegal for Forestry Department of Sarawak, Malaysia to certify logs that were stolen from Native Customary Rights forest.
Quality Concrete Holdings is planning to go ahead with the destruction of the native customary trees and forests as there are 6 heavy equipment to include bulldozers and backhoe are being put in place inside the native forests. Surely Government of Malaysia has a law against this blatant disregards to people's property!
The NCR land and forest in Ulu Sebangan is their life and they are prepared to defend it against known enemies and trespassers who are cronies of the present government of Sarawak. They are prepared to stay for the duration to defend their native land from being destroyed and ancient trees from being bulldozed. They are prepared to go to jail if the State Government of Sarawak under the current Barisan Nasional Administration supported the illegal loggers and arrest them.
This area of the jungle holds many burial grounds and old longhouse sites. This is the first place where the Sebuyau Ibans settled after their migration from Bukit Balau area more than a hundred years ago. Descandants of Sendi, please note this is the place where “Buah Jupong” is located.
This the area where Sendi paddled to Saribas to look for Guang, a man she was destined to marry as was told by Kumang in her dreams. They are there not only to protect the trees but also to protect the spirits of our great great fathers, “nyaga Petara Aki, Petara Ini” and the spirit of Sendi.
The Sebuyau Ibans are the legal owner of these lands and forests as substantiated by Department of Land and Survey since 1956. There were many news article written about their heartbreaking efforts to protect their land and forests from further destruction. The Sarawak Barisan Nasional Government of Malaysia is not doing anything to stop the illegal activities. This is a very sad day for Sarawak natives when illegal loggers have more rights and are sanctioned and protected by the current Barisan Nasional Administration in Sarawak, Malaysia. The natives who own the land and forest are watching helplessly while their property is being grabbed and destroyed.
Where are the Iban Warriors of Old?
Just this past Thursday, October 7th 2010, the massive destruction caused by logging was made devastatingly clear in Sibu Division, up the Balleh area and down the mighty Batang Rajang. The type of devastation to the environment will continue to occur. What happened in Ulu Balleh and the massive logjam of Batang Rajang will happen to Sebangan River if the illegal logging activities are not stopped. They are destroying what our Petara had created.
It is your duty to protect your land because if you do not do it, who will do it for you?
The Sebuyau Ibans are calling all brave Ibans to help with the blockade at Ulu Sebangan and be prepared to stay for the duration. Thanks for the donations from their relatives in the United States of America, they have enough food and supply to last for a few more days.
Where are they?
To launch a substantial blockade, the Ibans will have to abandon their farms thus depriving them of much needed income.
They are still in need of your help to provide tents, food, generators and petrol. They also need your donation to pay for lawyers who are brave enough to take their case to court against the Forestry Department and the BN State Government of Sarawak, Malaysia.
In Malaysia, donations can also be deposited into our account with Public Bank Berhad Account Number 4503100701 – Numpang anak Suntai.
After depositing, kindly drop us an email at Mr Numpang Suntai at numpangs@gmail.com and Mr Nicholas Munjah at sadiahq@gmail.com.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Save the Sebangan Rainforest
Please help in the fight to save the Sebangan Rainforest and the land of the indigenous people of Sarawak.
View taken from the summit of Jungor Bintong hill towards Selabu at Ulu Sebangan . The logging road is on the cultivated Native Customary Rights Land of the Ibans from Kampong Tungkah Dayak. A number of the land owners did not give consent to Quality Concrete Holdings Bhd to build the road nor extract timber. But the destruction the lands and timber extraccontinue regardless.
Sebangan river is at the foot of this mountain.
Some of the logs extracted from the Native Customary Rights Land.
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